What Is Killswitch ?
Killswitch is a emergency switch or engine shut off/cut off switch, a red switch located on the right handle bar of every modern bike nowadays. Bike Killswitch is a safety feature that can be used to cut power to the engine in case of any emergency.
Purpose Of Killswitch :
The main purpose of Killswitch in bike is to make sure the rider to turn off the engine quickly in emergency. The Engine Killswitch is mandatory feature in most of the country. The Killswitch simply cuts off the contact from the ignition coil, so the engine shuts off and leaves the lights running.
Does Killswitch Harm The Bike ?
Some people think that Kilswitch will melt the wiring, wear out the switch or harm the engine etc. Utilizing the killswitch does not effect the bike. If the rider is continuously fiddling with the switch turning it off when the bike is already off will affect the bike. It can affect the ignition coil long-term but no immediate damage. It is also important to mention that you should never use a kill switch while the bike is moving. Kill switches are features of mechanisms whose normal operation or foreseeable misuse might cause injury or death.
When Should You Use It ?
If you had an accident and your bike goes up on its side, hitting the kill switch is an easy way to stop the engine from overheating and creating more problems. Ignitions are not always in convenient locations when you are an accident scenario and finding the ignition switch could take up valuable time.
I would like to hear about your riding with Killswitch, so be sure to leave a comment below and tell us about your experience.
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